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squint13 April 24 2011, 15:45:00 UTC

It was just so very, very awesome, I can't even. Just.

I'm very intrigued to know how it'll all turn out in the end. Will the Doctor really die? I mean, I mean - how, what, how?

River is continuing to be a total bamf and hbic and awesome. Amy's as great as ever, as is Rory. Eleven's being funny and young and old and threatening and brilliant and, yeah. I love our Team Tardis ^^ <3

You think Amy might be River or the other way around? Well. It's a theory. One I don't share though. For one, because of what Moffat said about explaining and not explain away who she is. Then again, one never knows with Moffat, so XD I have my own theory, which is probably silly and wrong, but it's something at least. I'll start with that, and then we'll see as the season goes on if I'm gonna stick with it or not.

MARK SHEPPARD OMG I FLAILED <3 And his voice, mmm - I love his British one more, but the American one was good too ^^

A whole week until the next part - HOW ON EARTH ARE WE GOING TO MANAGE FOR THAT LONG? \o/

(this might be a bit of a long comment but I blame DW - it's making me all flaily and squee-y and chatty and rambly XD)


delta_mai April 26 2011, 19:00:01 UTC

I dunno. Moffat said this series will "change everything" about Dr Who forevers soooooo


I adore River's development already, or rather the more we see of her. She is such a complicated character and so well pulled off, both by the writing and the acting ofc. And OMG THE SHIP! He was flirting with her so much! He's totally in love with her by now IMO. I am so enjoying their relationship. As for the team - definitely my favourite Team Tardis so far.

It's a possibility that intruiged me when I shipped Amy and Eleven. Something in this episode reminded me of it but I can't remember what. I don't really agree with the theory any more though, especially after River's speech to Rory.

What's your theory?!!



Long comments are the most fun! :D Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. And yay - so looking forward to our awesome DW chats again!!


squint13 April 27 2011, 05:29:18 UTC
I'm gonna cling to that statement of his and hope it means there'll be plenty more Doctor Who to come, just changed - I'm okay with different and changed forever as long as it 's still going *clings* I don't want it to go on just for the sake of it though and have it be terrible, but as long as it's as good as it is now, I'll want it to stay. I guess we'll see though :/

The more of River I see, the more I love her. And now I can't for the life of me understand how I ever didn't love her, just - how was that possible?
I'm very much enjoying their relationship aswell. I love their interactions and their flirty banter. But River's speech has made me think of the whole thing as really quite heartbreaking aswell. I mean, sure, how her story ends is very sad, with the Library and that, but how the story goes is kind of more sad than that. Because it all leads up to that moment, her Doctor knowing her less and eventually not knowing her at all. And so I've got to say, it makes me love and admire her more, because that's got to take a toll on you, to have that knowledge, and it's got to wear you down a little, but she just keeps going, always with a smile and always with the spoilers and hello sweetie and just. Oh River :( <3

Ah, I see. Well, at this point, any theory could be right in the end. God knows how Moffat's mind works *shakes head* I'm sure he'll surprise us all though - as much as I love theorising and speculating, and as much as I like to be right about things, I'd love it if he just did something that none of us could have expected. Though with all those theories out there, one of them got to be the right one. Maybe. *grins*

Oh, just - and it might sound silly but it's just been one episode s bear with me - that maybe River is Amy's daughter. If she really is pregnant, that is. Someone somewhere said that if she really is, if Moff really will go that way, it's got be either someone very important she's carrying or something very important to the plot. I'd already thought of River as Amy's child by then, I did already during the ep, but that made me think it more. At least it's not any less impossible than her being the Doctor's mother T_T Maybe as impossible, but not less I think XD Since then I've come to flesh out my theory a bit, with how maybe she changed her last name when she was young, from Pond to Song, either because she just though Song was pretty and worked well with her first name, maybe also because she thought the sounds a river makes sounds like a song and that's where it came from; or she could have used some sort of cypher system and jumped two letters forward on the first and last letter of her last name - two steps forward from P is S and two forward from D is G. *shrug*
Oh, and I figured if River is Amy's daughter, Amy probably named her after River not knowing who she really was. Timey-wimey wibbley wobbley and all that.

You're the first one I'm telling my theory, so feel special, haha XD Feel free to point and laugh, or you know, just point out where it all falls apart. I won't mind. Discussing the whole thing is part of what's so lovely about this new-new Who ^^ :D

Hve you seen Sheppard in anything else? Apart from SPN and Firefly and Dollhouse I mean XD He's being brilliant in Leverage, so there's that (Eliot beat him up once - it was hilarious :D ). And he had a part in Medium long ago, the first thing I ever saw him in, he scared the living daylights out of me *shudders* Took me a long while to get over, so good performance I guess *laughs* God, that man's been in so much stuff, it's insane :)

Glad you think so, because you know me - I can't help myself sometimes XD And especially now that DW is upon us again, they're probably just gonna get longer and longer - I'll try and control myself though. ^^


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