Ok, first of all - thanks so much for your views on Charlie Sheen. They really helped my article, which is now all done. I'll be posting it later this week, along with my column for this month. To help me write that, or to just have an interesting discussion (I think I'm going to start doing Interesting Discussion posts :D) what are your views?
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I've read those, as well as various accounts on Manning's history and personality (http://thislandpress.com/09/23/2010/private-manning-and-the-making-of-wikileaks-2/, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/30/wikileaks-cables-bradley-manning?intcmp=239, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/09/AR2010060906170.html), and I drew the conclusion that Manning is an introverted, unhappy, lonely guy with a callous disregard for rules, and a desire for attention.
Yes, I understand he claims that he wants to change something and is willing to die to do so. But the available evidence does not suggest that this is a sincere calling that he'd adopted all of his life. Rather, he appears to have simply drifted through life aimlessly, until he reached a critical mass of despondency (fueled by a break-up of his first relationship, adjustment issues, and other emotional problems), at which point he latched onto the first opportunity to make something of his life. His story reeks of a depressed person making a cry for help and attention. It's a rebel without a cause type of mindset, the same vulnerable sort that fanatic/extremist organizations look for when they recruit vulnerable youths to become martyrs (notice how he is more afraid of a negatively publicized image than the death penalty).
Do you know what his treatment is? They've deviated away from normal policy.
It actually might be difficult to see due to your LJ settings, but I included a hyperlink in my previous comment on his treatment, as specified by his own lawyer. I'll repaste it here (http://www.armycourtmartialdefense.info/2010/12/typical-day-for-pfc-bradley-manning.html). Manning is classified as a maximum security detainee, and is additionally held under "Prevention of Injury" conditions (measures taken to prevent him from hurting himself, one step short of suicide watch). His treatment follows the letter of those procedures, as would be expected for any highly publicized inmate. Yes, the conditions seem harsh to civilians, but such is military prison.
As for his punishment, it is a tricky subject. True, he broke the law and is being punished accordingly. But because of the nature of what he did, rebelling against a corrupt system in favour of freedom of speech, this is where the laws get murky. Look at it this way - if someone does something wrong against a right system, they should be punished. But what if they do something right against a wrong system?
Of course it's not as black and white as this, and what he did was potentially dangerous. I just think that the corruption of the military should be the thing under scrutiny and on trial here, not him.
Thanks for these views - they really challenged how I saw the issue. It's great to have such varied opinions available for discussion!
I wholeheartedly agree that it's a good thing, I just hesitate to jump on the hero-worship train as some people have (some deleterious effects of this can be seen in people automatically dismissing the sexual misconduct charges against Assange). I prefer to take the view that good things can come from flawed or even bad people.
Look at it this way - if someone does something wrong against a right system, they should be punished. But what if they do something right against a wrong system?
Then they should be detained properly, found guilty of their crime at trial court, and then the system should be held to account in appeals to successively higher courts, after which point the person can be appropriately vindicated.
Hmm, that sounded less brainwashed pro-establishment in my head. XD I guess my study of the law has led me to the belief that however flawed our system might be, it still generally preserves due process and does what it's supposed to.
Thanks for these views - they really challenged how I saw the issue. It's great to have such varied opinions available for discussion!
Anytime. A mere chorus of agreement wouldn't make for much intelligent debate! :)
That is a totally good system of trials there. If only the US government agreed with you!
Yep :D Plus it's interesting to see what others think - I had the polar opposites on here, albeit with most people supporting Manning, and I'm really glad that you offered an in-between view of the situation because for a while there I was leaning towards hero worship.
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