30 Women Meme: Vala and Amy

Mar 19, 2011 21:45


Oh wait...

That's right bitches :D  I couldn't choose because I think these women are the characters who are most like me.  It was originally just going to be Amy, then I remembered just how much I identify with Vala so I had to throw her in here too!


So this started when I was on season 1 of SG-1 and asked my friend who introduced me to the show who I was most like (hoping she would say Sam).  She gives me this look, laughs, and was like "dude, you're so Vala".  There you go - it's not just me who thinks so :P  So I was really looking forward to Vala coming into the show and then BOOM she was there, like a flirty, self centered, funny, sexy hurricane.  And I loved her.  Let's look at our similarities...

- We both act like children and get far too hyper and silly to cover up our insecurities.
- We are over confident.
- We think about ourselves too much, but are aware of and care about others too.
- We are both brave but flawed.
- We enjoy talking about sex and have no inhibitions.
- We're forward and say what we think, no matter who's listening.
- We grin when we're being cheeky.
- We snark to cover up our feelings.
- We have crippling insecurities that make it hard for us to trust others and form lasting bonds.
- We have troublesome relationships with our fathers that have affected our lives greatly and make it hard to function sometimes.

Vala's journey through the show was the one I loved watching most (and tbh what made seasons 9 and 10 worth watching :P).  She went from a self centered, independent thief to a brave and worthy part of the team.  Also, her relationship with Daniel was one of the most touching and realistic on the show.  They were perfect for each other, but totally unable to realise it.  That scene in Unending is still one of my favourites in the entire series, when they both bare their souls and eventually realise the full extent of their feelings for each other.

It's kinda hard for me to explain why exactly I identify with her without rewatching the show, and I haven't seen SG-1 in years.  Suffice it to say that as soon as she started speaking I locked on to her and her journey really struck a chord with me.  If I haven't persuaded you that we're similar, then so be it.  All I know is whenever I see her onscreen it's like looking into myself.

Have some cute gifs!

("No-one would believe it was my birthday again")


20 Vala icons here: http: www.delta-mai.livejournal.com/102432.html (the html link thing is on the fritz, sorry!)


Ok. So I loved her right from the moment that little girl started praying (although, admittedly, I did hate her a bit for not saying "Father Christmas" AS SHE SHOULD but still).  All through the first episode I adored her (for a reason we'll get to later).  Then while we were watching the second episode IT GOT CREEPY.  She was doing EVERYTHING I would in the situation, expressions and gestures and everything.  I would say something AND THEN SHE SAID IT ONSCREEN.  This started to seriously freak my sister out, let me tell you.  So let's have a gander!

- The first reason is... she had an imaginary friend.  As did I.  Let's just glance over that...
- We both use escapism to ignore our lives and issues we should really deal with (eg: Amy running away from her wedding with the Doctor, her choice of career etc).
- We look similar (not just me that thinks this fyi :P).
- We are attracted to men we shouldn't be, those that don't return our feelings, and have trouble connecting with those that are good for us and like us.
- We squee and get far too excited over little things (vampires in venice or Vincent van Gogh, anyone?).
- We tend to rush in without thinking things over too much.
- We're impetuous and will do what we want if we think it's best.
- We say what we think and have few inhibitions.
- We are unafraid of things we should maybe be afraid of.
- We have powerful minds and imagination.
- We're confident and overbearing at times.

I could go on but I won't.  You get the jist!  Again, I don't know whether you guys agree, but I honestly feel she and I are spookily similar.  I can't really say any more but there it is.  She is me :P

Giffy time!

No recs.  She stands awesome alone.

It was 8:00 when I started this. Now it's nearly 10. This is why I don't do these very often!


meme: 30 days of women, stargate, vala rules, doctor who, amy pond is the most awesome thing, vala is me sometimes

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