So here are my 4th hbic20in20 entries, my fave new 20in20 contest :D And this month's idol was Vala. Now, I completely failed in reading the guidelines: my artist's choice section was originally going to be her amazing expressions. But then I realised that for the category section you had to choose only ONE theme. I realised this after doing a set with 5 themes. Ah well. So these became my AC set.
But enough about my failure! Onto the entries :D
THEMES Dressed UpAntiqueBorderBlueMy Mood
Internet SlangMultipleDorkyCircleSitting
PREVIOUSLY ON... #1#2#3#4#5
NEXT TIME... Sexy Romantic TextSidekickAngry
. Well, hope you enjoyed those! :D They certainly provided me with much needed procrastination :D