Today is a happy day.
I turned sixteen.
Sex is legal! NC-16 movies are legal! OMG! Summer Storm!
My table was filled with presents before assembly. ^__^ I've never gotten so many presents before, especially since my parents don't believe in celebrating birthdays and/or giving presents. (though if I ask nicely they will.)
The teachers were happy today. Including Mrs Tan, who let us do Chinese during bio, and dressed a Barbie doll in paper. She saw the purple stuff from Ren Yi and Liew Qi on my table and went, "Oh, your favourite colour is purple!" ("A bit obvious," goes 67) She then went on to say that liking purple meant I was sexually repressed. And she suggested seeing a counsellor.
How amusing.
Of course, Xinying and Liew Qi both like purple too (right?). Let's all go see a counsellor together! Whee!
And then, during Chinese, laoshi came up and told me that my yingyongwen got smudged because she spilt water on it, and not because she was crying.
Talk about freaky. ^__^
YYD was very pleasant and mellow today. (aka she lost her voice) Get well soon.
Also, I'd like to thank everyone for their well-wishes and presents, and for singing for me during PCCG (how sweet of you all).
Kon is not a happy camper.
Looks like Ishida got near Kon again. ^^" Oh, and the thing on his head was from Ren Yi's wrapping. Heh.
[Kon from Lemon, bandana and shoelace from Liew Qi and Ren Yi.]
Tea, anyone?
[Kon cup from Shao and Joey (now I get the cup jokes), urchin-like purple ball from Liew Qi and Ren Yi]
Hair tie-ers are troublesome
If there's anything I like more than Shika, it's a Shika wearing purple hair accessories. <3
[Shika plushie from Shao and Joey, hair-tie from Ren Yi and Liew Qi (it's supposed to be an incentive for me to keep long hair ^^)]
"No, it's raining."
Kyaaaa! The military cap-thing from FMA! <3 Royness! See the coat of arms! So much love!
[from CS] Note to CS: do you really want a tux?
Purple fluff! Yay! See the fluff being blown by the winds! (or should I say... w-inds?) Was having much fun today writing with the fluffy pen. At last, a pen that I will never lose!
[Both from Liew Qi and Ren Yi]
Thank you for all the presents and the well-wishes and the hugs/glomps!!! Much love to everyone! Thanks, also, to Ren Yi for singing me the nice version of the Happy Happy Birthday Song! Thank you Kai for killing glomping me. ^^ (purely platonic, Lemon!)
Now, to enjoy my last few maid-free moments. (Yes, I'm getting a maid at last.)
Today is a happy day.