Jan 05, 2007 02:08

Yes, viva. Because 2007 has officially been dubbed the year of REVOLUTION!!!

Time to change it all. Last semester I said I'd focus on guidance and authenticity, and it worked out quite well. I'd still like to be a little more authentic, but that comes with the revolution. Guidance was taken care of in leaps and bounds as I found myself in situations I didn't even know I'd signed up for. I call that a little bit of Jesus grabbing me by the shirt and pulling me onto the path.

This YEAR it's all about revolution. I'll be doing many things that I've never done before... spring break, sleeping on the ocean, running... without competing, an internship, living in Chicago, handling radiation.... crazy stuff! It's gonna be nuts! So new experiences, hopefully get back into shape... that's always a goal, mainly because it always has to happen, and increase my spiritual life. The usuals... but this time REVOLUTIONARY changes instead of minor changes.

I'm pretty psyched.

You should be, too.

VIVA! goulet.
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