pain, will you return it? I'll say it again - pain

Nov 16, 2012 23:20

I started Zumba classes, I wanted Yoga and I ended up doing Pilates (+TRX) the most.

and T of TRX stands for torture. I hurt A LOT.

Last month I bought a special offer of 8 classes at Control Pilates Studio, I could tried any of the sessions they had. They have Zumba, Pilates and 1 lonely day for Yoga :/ I tried them all and liked them! and paid a 1st month to have access to all classes any day I want. The Zumba classes stopped, because the instructor was moved to the other studio (?) so I'm doing mostly Pilates and Yoga when I can. :( (so far, I've been to 2 classes only *sniffs*) and T R freaking X O.O

Lucky for me, they don't have a full session of TRX where I go, it's half hour of Pilates and the other half hour of TRX. Today was my 2nd session of TRX. MY GOODNESS. The outer side of my legs are hurting. A part of my butt, that I didn't know was there is HURTING. I have an ache between my breasts every time I take a breath >.< My whole body hurts. I hurt so much that I hope I wake up tomorrow to go to the Yoga class.

The funny thing is that I just wanted to do Yoga because I want to be able to do a handstand >.<

Pain and aches aside, I love being able to go out to do anything else beside doing the grocery shopping, which I loooove /sarcasm

fitness, yoga, health, pilates

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