Wait!! There's never been a mess like this..

Sep 09, 2011 14:09

If it's not LJ down (I know, I know.. old news now) it's my never ending troubles with our PCs.. Yes, we have 3 PCs and all of them are pure pieces of junk.

Just when LJ solved its server problems, my desktop PC breaks down. We take it to the PC doctor (lol) and 3 weeks later, they say "Nop.. she has nothing, she works fine, you should buy another disk, though" So we buy a 250GB disk and a Windows 7 license and hope our problems end. 5 days of pure amazement at windows 7 SHE BREAKS AGAIN!!!! Doing the same thing! When we take it back to the store, the @#$%^&) PC works fine THERE! I'm beginning to think there's an electricity problem in my home or the pc just doesn't like us.

Meanwhile our Toshiba Laptop (we call her La Toshi) we get to finally replace the battery and thought "WOW! We're lucky that La Desktop broke down just when we could fix La Toshi"... HA... 1st week of usage.. BAM.. a freaking, blinking - on the right side O.O and after much praying and dancing to the Tech-Gods ALELUYA! She bangs boots.. and I decide not to turn it off until we take it to the Dr Laptop to see what it's wrong. The verdict: motherboard is done, but not totally done; she turns on when she decides, so right now, we will use it until she breaks down completely. :/ and either we buy another board (and optical drive) or we go there

and throw her into the Caribbean Sea.. (I'm worried about the ecological implications though..)

Meanwhile, meanwhile (lol) the laptop I was assigned to from work (we call her La Marmie, short for "Marmara", because it's old and outdated -hah not that old, but meh and temperamental lol) does what she wants, and in the middle of something she decides: "Nope, I want to turn off NOW" O.O So you use that PC hitting save every 10 secs. I can’t take her back to the office until I have one working computer, cause they won’t give me another one, I’ll have to wait until they fix whatever she has. But at the rate we’re going, I bet when I take her to tech department and she’ll works just fine, just to annoy me.

3 PCs and NOT ONE works without giving me a freaking migraine.

MAJOR catch up, doesn't begin to express the amount of reading I have to do in LJ, let alone on Google Reader with 1000+ items and mails I haven't been able to sort/read/answer/forward/delete/whatever..

In the mean time (lol), works pile up by the second with no computer to work with (or rather with computers that turns on when they want) >.< and THAT's what scares me. 24 hours is not enough, (I'm taking the next spacecraft/Nasa project to Pluto and staying there (a day has 153 hrs :))))) just to catch.
I just want to take a nap of 12h (more or less :D) and do nothing.
*sighs* what a great comeback to LJ after a long period of absence. I wish my first entry had been more cheerful.. but I had to vent.

So, in other things, Tropical Storm Maria is a giant orange monster headed our way O.O

Great! Do we think "Thank GOD!, she's not a hurricane (yet)"..???? *sighs*
It's doesn't matter either way, we're getting lots of rain. :/

PS: Is it me, or writing an entry is a major pain?? There were changes while I was gone?? MYGOODNESS! Gheez! I'm trying to do this entry since noon! And why when you do a LJcut it automatically goes up?? LJcut are a nightmare right now.

Let's hit post and hope I won't mess my FList's friend page.. I'm sorry in advance! It's not me! It's LJ!

issues, livejournal, random, nada

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