Somethings wrong and I can't tell you what...

Apr 16, 2004 17:42

Not really because my journal is not "friends only". But I'll give you the basics, even know I'm writing this for all on the internet to see, when I'd rather just my LJ friends read it.

The basics:
My mother served me some paperwork the other day. I am a single mother and she's served me paperwork as a "seconday parent" ( my kids dad is not in the picture ).

I think I was served at 10:30pm Wednesday night. By Thursday morning I had a lawyer.

I can't really say here what it's about..

What I can say:
I'm tired, and I've just done a lot of work. I'm a little heavy-hearted and sad. But I'm determined. I'm determined to keep up with normal every day things like LJ.. even though my mother calls me a schizophrenic nutbar who has hallucinations and dellusions.. oops.. a slip.. heh.

Well guys, you're gonna have to hang tight with me for the next couple of months until this is all over!

Thanks for Reading. Really. :)
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