[Drabble] Scent

Aug 31, 2016 00:08

Title: Scent
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Marluxia, Zexion, brief mentions of Saix/Anti-Sora
Word Count: 308
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Zexion smells Saix's secret.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts nor the characters, just borrowing them from Square-Enix for a little while.
Author's Notes: For laurelrhea, because I know how much this will make her happy!
Prompt: 100_tales : #82 - Nature ( Table)

Follows: Punishment


Inhaling the distant sickly smell of sweat and profound lust, Zexion groaned deep in his throat, the scents overwhelming his sensitive nose, the heady concoction making it unbearable to think.

Somewhere close, he knew, but the flavors of who was causing the major disruption to his work were overpowered by smells of their actions. Zexion closed his eyes, hands falling to the countertop as he inhaled deeply, taking it all in.

Xemnas maybe?


He had smelt a tad different the last time they had convened in the common room.

It was so dense and heady that he could almost picture, skin on skin, sliding, sweat beading and flesh entering sweet, hot flesh…

“You okay over there?” Marluxia asked, leaning on the counter.

A shadowy smell wafted in…

Yes… he seemed to be the source.

His nose had finally deduced the scents.

Saix had a secret.

Clearing his throat, Zexion shook his head to disperse the scents and images that lingered around him, mixing with the natural scent of roses and soil that wafted from Marluxia. “Yeah… yes, I’m fine,” Zexion cleared his throat again, focusing on his microscope in from of him, even as his hands shook from the desire that had suddenly arose within him.

“A bit distracted?” Marluxia raised a brow, eyes trailing to the quite obvious reaction tenting Zexion’s pants.

Zexion gritted his teeth and inhaled through his mouth, before exhaling aggravatingly, “I’m fine,” he stressed his words, pulling his lab coat around him to block the XI’s view, who only snorted with a chuckle and pushed off the counter.

“Okay then, suit yourself,” he turned and exited the lab, leaving Zexion watching after him. After a short inhale, the rosy scent and top soil that clung to the air, only made Zexion whimper as his mind wondered to devilish places.

Cross Posted to: 100_tales

style: slash, length: 251 - 350, character: kh: saix, rating: pg, warning: none, character: kh: marluxia, character: kh: anti sora, type: triple drabble, fandom: kingdom hearts chain of memories, pairing: kh: saix/anti sora, character: kh: zexion, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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