[Drabble] Right Where I Want You

Aug 27, 2016 01:00

Title: Right Where I Want You
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Riku, Ansem
Word Count: 111
Genre: General
Rating: R
Warning: D/s, Rape, Anal Sex
Summary: Ansem has Riku in his grasp, right where he wants him.
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts nor the characters, just borrowing them from Square-Enix for a little while.
Author's Notes: For laurelrhea.
Prompt: 100_tales : #62 - Hurt ( Table)


The hand at the back of Riku’s neck kept his head pinned to the cold slab of marble, "T-ttttt-that hurts!" Yet he still found himself reacting, his cock twitching and bouncing with every forced entry into his relenting body.

“Submit,” Ansem’s voice was rough and guttural, his grasp tightening on its hold of Riku’s neck. He placed the heel of his palm on the silver haired boy’s lowered back, applying pressure to keep him prostrated. “You will have to,” Ansem mused, forcible undulating his hips, “eventually.”

Teeth gritted through the pleasurable pain, Riku groaned, “I won’t!”

“You will.” Ansem grinned, his thrusts deep and harsh, “I will make sure of that.”

Cross Posted to: 100_tales

pairing: kh: ansem/riku, length: 101 - 250, warning: rape/non-con, ! gifts, style: slash, character: kh: riku, character: kh: ansem, type: drabble, warning: forced penetration, rating: r, warning: abuse, warning: d/s, warning: anal sex, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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