[Short-fic] Footnote

Feb 01, 2015 00:08

Title: Footnote
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Varric Tethras, Cullen Rutherford/f!Trevelyan
Word Count: 507
Genre: Friendship
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Varric keeps the Inquisitor company late at night.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age nor the characters, just borrowing them from BioWare for a little while.
Prompt: writerverse : Challenge #15: January BINGO Table of DOOOOOM! (Phase 13) [ Bingo Table]


“... Following all pretenses and formalities, the ceremony held in the gardens of the newly resurrected mountain-top fortress to don the leadership of the Inquisition - was very small in terms of what really happened.” The dwarf cleared his throat, brushing the lapels of his duster coat as he continued writing.

“Sword bequeathed, Inquisitor recognized, crowd goes wild - blah, blah, blah - the normal bullshit and we can skip that part of the story,” Varric dipped the quill pen into the ink well, lightly blowing on the page to dry the ink.

The courtly dressed woman crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, brow raised, “And that's not important?”

Varric eyed her, before he continued writing like she hadn't interrupted him, “Of course not. Brief mention, footnote really.”

“Oh?” Evelyn hummed, tapping her chin as she grinned at him. “Becoming Inquisitor is just a footnote?”

“Yeah,” the writer gave a role of his eyes, “You encouraged me to write this, you gonna lecture me on how I write it?”

“Did Hawke get a say in 'The Tale of the Champion'?” Evelyn Trevelyan leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table as she grinned even more.

Varric snorted, “Of course not, not that Garrett even cared that I wrote the book in the first place. 'Too much shit that went down, that couldn't possibly be true,' he would have probably said. Maker, he may have even pushed me to write it even if I had decided not to.” He shook his head at the distant memory, dipping the pen into the ink well again before continuing with his writing.

“I'm not stopping you Varric, please continue. I do enjoy listening as you write,” Evelyn leaned back again, getting comfortable in front of the fire as she stared into the flames that licked at the sizzling wood, her hands resting comfortably against her belly.

Varric watched her from his hooded gaze, “I don't normally write like this.”

She gave him a gentle smile, “I know.”

“Your special... but not Hawke special,” he pressed, watching her.

Evelyn nodded once, her smile spreading into a grin, “I know.”

They made eye contact briefly, their shared gaze ending as he returned to writing, and Evelyn watching the fire as she rested her hand over her slightly distended belly. Varric watched her for a few more seconds as she caressed the underside of her stomach through her sleeping gown.

“Thank you for keeping me company tonight, Varric,” Evelyn said, her voice soft, yet she didn't look at him.

“Curly is missing out,” Varric matched her voice, his own just as soft.

The silence dragged on, before Varric felt the need to break it one last time, “And your Inquisitorialness is more than just a mere footnote in the scheme of things.”

Evelyn gave him another soft smile, one he knew would make her a natural mother, as she spoke, “I know that too.”

“Just figured you should know,” he said, his pen scratching across the parchment as they drifted into silence once more.

Cross Posted to: writerverse

@ comm: writerverse, type: short-fic, character: da: f!trevelyan, fandom: dragon age inquisition, rating: g, style: gen, warning: none, length: 501 - 1000, character: da: varric tethras, genre: friendship, pairing: da: cullen/f!trevelyan, media: fanfiction, style: post series

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