[Drabble] Down To It

Jan 20, 2015 17:31

Title: Down To It
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Cullen Rutherford, Iron Bull
Word Count: 366
Genre: Friendship, General
Rating: G
Warning: None
Summary: Iron Bull catches Cullen in the training yard, wanting to spar.
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age nor the characters, just borrowing them from BioWare for a little while.
Prompt: writerverse : Challenge #15: January BINGO Table of DOOOOOM! (Phase 13) [ Bingo Table]


The training yard is bustling with shouts and commands, soldiers sparring in pairs, the ever repeating beat of sword on sword, shield against shield. Its one of the warmer days, no clouds in the sky to hinder the sun from warming the cold ground beneath their feet.

A chill wind blows through, and yet the soldiers do not feel it as one of the nobles would. To them, the wind is a refreshment on their heated faces, many having already shed their tunics in favor to cool down more.

Cullen supervises, arms crossed, eyes forward and stern, ever the diligent Commander, “Captain, get those mean in line.” He barks out and the Captain in general gives him a salute and starts in on his men.

“There's always something about sparring that gets the blood singing,” Iron Bull bumps Cullen on the shoulder with a fist in a friendly greeting.

The Templar gives a brief nod, humming under his breath, “Agreed.”

Bull crosses his arms, scanning the crowd in an almost similar fashion as Cullen, “Care for a go?”

“Krem too busy for you today Bull?” Cullen tosses him a sly smirk, which the Qunari responds with a hearty laugh.

“Nah... Boss headed into the Hinterlands with some of the Chargers. Krem being one of them,” Bull gave a shrug, “Something Red had planned or other crap like that.”

“And you didn't go?” Cullen raises a brow.

“The Chargers aren't children Cullen and Krem has them handled,” Bull stretched his arms over his head, the muscles moving right beneath the flesh of his massive biceps. His golden skin was more golden under the beating sun, making the black ink of his tattoos stand out even more. “Up for a spar or not?”

Cullen shook his head, chuckling, “Of course, you going to learn to block your weak spot?”

“Depends, you planning on going for it?” Iron Bull clipped back.

“Depends, I may,” Cullen returned, motioning for one of the recruits to bring them both a sparring shield and sword.

Iron Bull rotated his shoulder before throwing his head back and laughing loudly, “Ah, come on, let's get to it then!”

Cross Posted to: writerverse

@ comm: writerverse, length: 251 - 350, character: da: iron bull, fandom: dragon age inquisition, character: da: cullen rutherford, rating: g, style: gen, warning: none, genre: friendship, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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