[One-Shot] A World Without Order

Oct 02, 2013 19:59

Title: A World Without Order
Author: kryss_delrhei
Fandom: Tales of Xillia
Type: Video Game
Characters/Pairing: Gaius/Wingul
Word Count: 1,028
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: Nactigal is dead, leaving Rashugal in disarray.
Disclaimer: I do not own Tales of Xillia nor the characters, just borrowing them from Namco Bandai for a little while.
Prompt: writerverse : Challenge B - 24 Hour Challenge (Phase 8)


“King Nactigal has been assassinated!”

The soldiers cried out as they pushed the heavy stone doors to the throne room open, breathless and heaving for air as they ran toward the dais where their king was seated upon. A hush fell among the meeting of advisers with the arisen news, before they too joined in with panic and excitement filling their voices.

The balding adviser wiped at the beads of sweat gathered at his temple, small dark eyes shifting between the other council members, “This is a time to take action! Auj Oule will defiantly be victorious!”

“Without a leader, Rashugal will fall!”

“We must strike!”

“Strike while they are defenseless.”

The circle of other council members piped up, their shouts of plans of action causing the Chimeriad to look amongst themselves wearily. Wingul huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose, wishing the fools would shut their mouths.

Wingul narrowed his eyes and pushed off from his position, catching Gaius' attention, before he turned to his council, hand resting heavily on the hilt of his blade, his intent made very clear, “Don't bombard the King!”

“Silence,” Gaius' deep voice boomed over his council, causing Wingul to resume his position, leaning back against the column, crossing his arms leisurely. The council grew deathly silent at their king's order, finding their seats at once, eyes wide in hesitant fear. Gaius stared down at his council, before turning his attention back to the soldiers, who stood at attention, “Any information on Nactigal's generals?”

“Our informants say that Gilland is missing as well and their chain of command is falling apart,” the tallest soldier reported, giving his formal salute when he finished speaking.

The other soldier took a step forward, “The Rashugal army is in disarray without their generals stepping up to take charge, your Majesty-”

Gaius raised his hand to effortlessly end the triad that the soldier would have carried on had he not interrupted. With a considerable nod in acknowledgment of thought, Gaius stood to address those in his throne room, the balding council member wiped furiously at his sweaty forehead in anxiety.

“Rashugal is surely in an upheaval,” Gaius spoke, his demeour calm, the deep baritone of his voice making Presa raise her head from studying her tome. Gaius turned his gaze to the soldiers, who at once stood at attention, backs straight.

“We are at your command, Lord Gaius!”

“Give us your order, Lord Gaius!”

The two soldiers echoed evenly only making Wingul snort as he brushed his fingers through his jet black hair, before once again pushing off the wall as Gaius issued his commands.

“We shall prepare for siege. They are already weakened, let us take control with this opportunity,” His voice was deep and powerful, every bit of what made him Dawn King shown, causing Wingul to scrunch up his nose in disgust. It was the same disgust that he dismissed just as quickly as it had crossed his features when Jiao stared down at him from his towering height.

“Relay the information to the rest of the troops!”

“Yes, Lord Gaius!”

“All hail the Dawn King!”

As the council members dismissed themselves after the scurrying soldiers, Gaius stepped down from his dais, the Chimeriad dispersing as well, leaving Wingul to stand alone with Gaius in the throne room.

“Is there something you would like to add?” Gaius inquired, raising a brow at the man, who walked toward him, hand on his hip. Like usual, the swordsman waited around before Gaius indicated that he wished for him to speak.

Wingul shook his head, raising a brow of his in return, “I see you finally are able to head towards your goal of acquiring Rashugal.”

“It is not ours,” Gaius faced his second-in-command, a sly grin twisting his lips, “however, it may be very soon.”

Something the Dawn King had been practically aching to wrap his hands around since he had risen to the position he was in now. Two kingdoms united under one ruler. It was a glorious plan, but no simple task, one they had spent years cultivating and for a chance like this, hard to pass up.

“We can't go in by boat,” Wingul tapped his long fingers on the highly decorated hilt of his blade, resting in its sheath at his hip. “Even in this time of crisis, Rashugal troops will be heading to Fort Gandala to fortify. They don't need a general leading them to know that is their best option.”

“You are very right, Wingul,” Gaius rubbed at the light stubble on his chin, “Seems marching our troops through Fezebel marsh would be the only way to invade Fennmont, unless we were to sacrifice our troops to the mercy at Fort Gandala.”

“Fezebel marsh?”

At Wingul's suprise, Gaius released a rare chuckle, dropping his hands back to his sides, “This does not please you?”

“Is the marsh a wise idea?” Wingul asked.

“It is the only option we have,” Gaius spoke, “Unless we were to fly in using Wyverns, but even if Auj Oule is skilled in beastcraft, battling atop flying creatures is albeit a little difficult, wouldn't you agree Wingul?”

Narrowing his eyes, Wingul instead choose to stay quiet.

Inhaling sharply, Gaius reached the short distance between them and gripped the back of Wingul's neck, tugging him toward his chest, crimson eyes hooded with a look Wingul knew very well. He let his gaze rover over his second-in-command's features, his fingers massaging at the skin at the nape of his neck, sliding up into the jet black depths of his hair.

“A world without order, leaves it's people in chaos,” Gaius tightened his fist in Wingul's hair, the man hissing in pain as he pressed his hands to Gaius' chest, though he knew better than to push him away, “And in that chaos, I shall be the one to rise and take the reigns of Rieze Maxia and give them a new hope.”

With narrowed eyes, Wingul watched Gaius pointedly, before Gaius shoved him away, running a hand down his clothes to smooth the wrinkles, turning to head toward his inner office, leaving Wingul to stand there quietly.

length: 1001 - 15000, @ comm: writerverse, warning: spoilers, character: tox: wingul, character: tox: gaius, style: pre-slash, type: one-shot, pairing: tox: gaius/wingul, fandom: tales of xillia, rating: pg, style: gen, warning: none, media: fanfiction, genre: general

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