[Prompt Table] H/C Bingo - Amnesty Mini-Challenge: March 2013

Mar 11, 2013 07:07

For the March Amnesty Challenge at hc_bingo, in which requires a recommendation list of a minimum of 15 fanworks on one or all of the prompts.

Challenge End: March 31, 2013

Started: Monday, March 11, 2013 ; Completed: Wednesday, March 27, 2013

rape / non-con
hunger / starvation


1. Waiting on a Wish by Quillwing717 :: Inuyasha. Alternate Universe. This chapter focuses around the opening of the story, but also that Inuyasha has been wounded during a youkai attack, thus in need of a doctor to help him through a surgery to heal his wounds. The whole story is very well written as is her other works. The writing is immaculate and has been in the process of revision after revision to perfect it to the writer's standards since 2006.

Rape / Non-Con

-- WARNING -- The fanworks below contain very triggering themes, please be advised before reading. -- WARNING --
2. Your Everything, is My Everything by Sinfa :: Inuyasha. Femslash. A one-shot that takes place during season one between Kikyou and Kagome. In an act to teach Kagome a dark and terrible lesson to show her how Kikyou is going to seek vengeance and freedom through her. It's very compelling in showing that Kikyou has another side that has permeated into her resurrected state, though she goes down the mental rape/non-con to show Kagome this in a nightmare. I'm not a big fan of femslash between these two characters, it does compel me to read more if the writer does intend to expand upon the one-shot.

3. Fresh Flesh by Ganger :: Inuyasha. A drabble that centers around Kagura's creation and desecration at the hands of Naraku. It's short, but very enjoyable to read given that it is very triggering and written extremely well with how small its word count. A piece that caught my attention and held it to the end.

4. Tainted Purity by luxken27 :: Inuyasha. Alternate Universe. This is a very triggering one-shot that is also a very profound one-shot that leads you down a road you feel that you expect what's going to happen, but turns it darker, taking Kikyou through a downward spiraling marriage to Naraku. It's beautiful and twisted! The writing is extremely wonderful!

5. Boundaries by astrangerenters :: Final Fantasy XII. A very simplistic one-shot about Ashe in the process of marrying a corrupt Bhujerbian noble, while Balthier tries to dissuade her against the act. The writing is elegant, fitting in well with FFXII's prominent English accents throughout the game.

6. Fallen by thesunalsorises :: Final Fantasy XII. Ashe is forced to degrade herself to Vayne Solidor as she has lost her position as princess. And as the summary says: the fact that she used to be royalty only makes her submission sweeter. It's very short, but still very well written for the topic.

7. Spider to the Fly by Sockmonk :: Once Upon A Time. A short drabble on Graham reflecting on Regina's abuse as he lay dying on the floor of the police station. A little light on the non-con, but the piece is delightful in writing, making it a worthwhile read.

8. Voiceless by phdfan :: Dragon Age 2. After a night with Hawke, Fenris dreams of his Danarius and the beginning of his reoccurring rape. When he wakes, he can't explain to Hawke why he must go, but he just has to. The writing is good, and the ending hits like a train even if you know it's coming, the feelings that is read between the lines makes this worth while.

9. Not the One by darktensh17 :: Dragon Age 2. In Hadriana's point of view, heavily implied rape, but not described. The author did well in writing it.

10. Behind Closed Doors by Princess_Pinky :: Once Upon A Time. While locked away, Belle waits for the Huntsman to bring her daily meal. One day she takes it upon herself to speak with him and in doing so finds out that the Queen is indeed a cruel woman. It has very faint implications that the Huntsman is raped to please the queen, but it doesn't come right out and say those words. Has very solid writing and is very wonderful to read.

11. What Doesn't Kill You by cypheroftyr :: Dragon Age 2. Slash. Anders is captured by Templars and taken to the Gallows, where Alric has him violated repeatedly until he slips into a submissive state. Several of his companions finally rescue him, though he is scarred by what was done to him. It is then Fenris and Anders' plan to blow the Gallows and the Chantry up, and then escape Kirkwall and it's injustices. It is very triggering, and was simple and clean, the author having done a good job writing it, though it was very rushed.

12. Moon's Silver Dust by ayam692001 :: Kuroshitsuji. Slash. William comes home after a long day at work, where he is met by the Undertaker punishing him for things that he had done. Short and an interesting read.

13. Giga-Getiton by pendency :: Final Fantasy X. Yuna allows Sin to do with her as he wants, while she keeps tune with the Hymn of the Fayth as she tries to send Sir Jecht to the farplane, it being the only way. It's a drabble and the wording is so perfect and it hints at the subtleness of non-con even if she doesn't want it, she is still allowing it just to get the chance to send him and end the cycle.

14. Spiral Out by fell_lindzei :: Final Fantasy X. On the eve of Seymour and Yuna's wedding, Seymour scars Yuna in sacrifice to his will of wanting to become Sin, to become the most powerful and best, while using Yuna's body to gift birth to the creation he wants to become. Triggering and the writing is so beautiful as will all of fell's writing. Worth the read.

15. She Means To Leave Him With Nothing by fell_lindzei :: Final Fantasy X. Parent/Child Incest. While before Yunalesca, Seymour possesses his mother body and spirit as she is turned into his Aeon. Very triggering and can be a bit squickish. Again, fell's writing is purely amazing and her Seymour is just positively amazing!

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