[Short-Fic] After The Sea

Feb 03, 2012 20:02

Title: After The Sea
Author: kryss_delrhei
Type: Original
Characters/Pairing: Alric, Siobhan, Ianthe, Arwen
Word Count: 513
Genre: General
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Alric, a open sea fisherman, finds himself ship wrecked on isle completely off course, far from home and his family. It's there he hears the melodious voice that draws him to the dark side of the isle.
Author's Notes: Was trying to figure out what I wanted to write for my Creative Writing class assignment, then decided to fill the weekly prompt, then all of a sudden, it filled the prompt and filled my class assignment. So I'm very happy.
Prompt: tamingthemuse : #289 - Celestial (Week 1 Submission)


The melodious voice carried out over the crashing waves of the surf slamming against the white sand. Splintered wood planks beached around the body of a young man, the waves bringing in more from the almost hundreds that filled the sea around the isle.

A finger twitch, an eyebrow, the corner of his lip as the surf crashed down harder, wading up his body that was already half submerged, before rolling back into the ocean, just as another wave came slamming over him. Alric coughed on the salt water, coming awake heaving, moving his heavy body against its screaming will, the water pulling and tugging him away from the shore and back out to sea.

He fought the strong under current of the surf for what seemed to have become a futile effort, until his head breached the surface of the water, legs kicking, arms flailing around him. Another wave crashed overhead, shoving him back under water, his futile effort becoming even more so once again.

Directions was pointless.

What was down?

For that matter, what was up?

His head pounded with the pressure of the rushing water that jerked him around, his lungs hurting from him trying to hold his breath, debris from the ship wreck smashed into him, slicing his tender skin. Just when Alric had felt like he had lost all energy to even struggle anymore against the overbearing current, the melodic voice that he had seemingly heard in his dreams pierced the water.

Alric could hear the voice as if he wasn’t drowning, as if the water of the sea wasn’t crushing him under its pressure.
The lyrical voice was joined with what grew to be more than just a single voice that seemed so celestial it was unholy. It almost seemed to provoke the rage of the sea, though still calling out to him in a foreign, yet stunning intonation.

The words were indescribable, foreign, beautiful, and yet it give him the impression of an ancient tale that circled around him, the language almost caressing him. Though it did little to ease the pain that throbbed throughout his body from the lack of oxygen.
Exquisite, Alric thought as his eyes rolled back, the last of his held air expelling from his mouth. After all that he had been through, he would drown to death. That would be his end.

Fitting enough? Not nearly.

The rushing current spun his body around as he lost consciousness to the oblivion of the ocean. A tangle of arms wrapped around him, circling, holding, almost lovingly.

Alric’s body was pushed upward toward the breach of the surface, the melodic voices singing in such a soulful chant. The crashing of the surf against the shore slowly settled into a soft rumble, his body leaving the strange hands, his back came to rest upon the white sandy shore, the waves rolling around him in a smooth manner.

In a matter of minutes the raging current the sea had been seemed to abruptly change, calming to easy waves, a foamy white surf speckled with splintered wood.

Cross Posted to: tamingthemuse

character: original: arwen, character: original: alric, type: short-fic, character: original: siobhan, character: original: ianthe, rating: pg, media: original, warning: none, length: 501 - 1000, style: pre-het, genre: general, @ comm: tamingthemuse

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