its updated happy now shut up!!!

Apr 21, 2005 17:23

ok so what has been happening to paul freese in these couple crazy days. well 4/20 was awsome got high of my ass with some old school buddies. umm i started a new tutoring thing with joanne wiener alex hood goes thier so its cool. what else.... oh yea i'm getting a new board and shit so when its ready bye bye my lady. the lady finaly resting place will be on my wall. umm.. drama still present. my self esteem is ever so high so don't bitch or call me concieted. i've been hanging out with matt a lot. about me well nothing new cut my hair a little so it would grow back. relationship wise well thier is nothing there. friend got more of them woot. i guess thats all. you can comment but i can reply because my comp is fucked up and if you want to ask questin use aim to ask them. thats all folks i'm out bitch.
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