Nov 02, 2004 23:45
its been a while, sup all. i luv kim Immensely and have her constanly on my mind. i don't want to brag or anything so i will stop there for now. thx britt for the idea of braging once in a while. hope every1 is doing well. trying to keep it short cuz no 1 comments on long 1's. ashley i will try to catch up on urs and adams. every1 elses too. its been a while since i chilled with every1. wills was fun but tiring. i wish more ppl would comment. miss every1 will see every1 soon. college is fun and im doing well and bearly work again although december will suck with 5 papers due at once. im having fun at college aikido is chill. no wrestling team but my ambition is back thx kim. we had a fight but i think we r even better then before which i didn't think possible. i know every1 is busy so i will stop there and hope to hear from u.