Sep 11, 2004 01:33
omg i luved that movie. it was so much better and funnier then i could have expected. props to eva on the great pick. we were laughing so hard and started makeing eachother laugh just by our laughs it was great. alex had some ace + curve + armainia thing that was good and i want to try. cellualar was so good cuz u could guess what was going to happened a lil bit like 2 times ur right then something out of no-where would happen. this arm thing that pumps 30 liters of blood a minute and u only have 5 liters so it kills u in like 10 seconds. that was kool. i need to buy that video and napleon dynomite. deb is kool and alex was crazy tonight. he was in the wrong lane and we almost got killed by eva's house and a few other times. plus it was kool out and it really woke me up and made me feel alive. the cold is my weather and the 1st snow usually indicates wrestling is coming. i can't wait. college is going great don't wake up till 10 accept like 1 day. all my crap is pretty much done. just have to read a book and write a great 5 min speech. i can get out of prob 2 maybe even 3 classes. thats 6 or 9 credits plus will have more free time or grad early. everyone at salem state is really nice. its easy so far and tons of free stuff. everything is starting to go my way. can't wait to hang out with kim. if u read this i luv u kim emensly.
peace ill-sick-nasty god rage