Aug 20, 2004 22:03
Huge gallagaher essay
I am a god. I am a video game legend. My code name “manslayer” strikes fear in the hearts of all gamers. I am renown for my exuberance, enthusiasm, rage and all out effort/tenacity in everything I participate or perform.
I believe in lust at first site. I believe that the world will end in ice. I believe I will win the lottery at 23 ½.
I can walk on walls. I can walk on clouds. I pretty much walk everywhere. I can jog for three days straight. I can count cards. I can do 8 pull-ups. I can jump on to moving traffic. I can destroy entire cities. I can turn invisible. My favorite hero is spider-man or the hulk. I see my self as both of them together. I thought of spider-man the Jedi.
I have seen Antarctica.
Garret is my only equal in bomber kids and socom2
my best friend’s sister’s brother in law is famous.
I am master of my domain. I talk to many beautiful women all the time and am considered popular. But I think I am just well known.
I have thrown a rock at the ground and missed. I can move over a thousand pounds. I play b-ball at 11 pm most nights and wake up at six am to run for an hour. I eat 2 double whoppers in 1 sitting a day and still maintain my weight.
I can run fast then a horse and jump over small buildings. I am superman but don’t tell anyone. My nickname is god. I can walk on water; it’s easier than people think it’s all in the technique. I can with out sleep for as long as I need to. I never have to stop. I also walk thru walls but it more fun to knock people thru them during pillow fights. By the way I’m the unequaled champion of pillow fighting.
I’ve been hit by parked cars. I have run up oncoming traffic unharmed. I can do flips but I just don’t feel like doing them. I am the most unique person on earth just ask anyone who knows me.
But I have yet to go to college.