Once again a Republican puts his foot in his mouth (or his head up his ass) when talking about women's health issues. In this case, it's Todd Akin making a colossally insensitive and biologically ignorant
statement about rape and pregnancy. He is apparently fine with abortion being illegal even in cases of rape because...wait for it..."If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Er, huh? Like what? A quick Tweet from the brain, "yo @fallopian_toobz pls ignore any-all sperm for next 48 hrs as they were unauthorized thx #legitimaterape" ??
This man is beyond belief. Apparently in Akin's world, if you get pregnant as a result of rape it's because at some level you consented to it. The Nation has an excellent follow-up piece on
why it's dangerous to laugh at this sort of thing: "In the multi-dimensional chess that shapes public opinion, the game is less about individual elections and more about a sustained effort to mainstream radical ideas. In the case of denying women control over their lives, there's evidence that the bad guys may be winning the long-game..." The article is worth a read.
Some of the
tweets on the topic are pretty clever; my favorite is from @Michelle9647: "The female body also has ways of shutting down your whole election." Heee.
By the way, Romney's VP Paul Ryan also opposes abortion in cases of rape and supported a
personhood bill that would make fertilized eggs human beings. And let's not forget the major GOP backer who suggested the best birth control method was for a woman to
hold an aspirin between her knees.
Consider this when you vote in November, ladies.