A random list of stuff that made me go "Oooooh..." today:
The US highway system as a subway map Goldilocks Reviews the Sunshine Mary Jane Pump on Zappos The program for the Pop Culture Association conference in Boston, with four panels on Buffy, eight on fairy tales, fourteen on fan culture (including "Girls, Geeks and Politics: Gender, Race and Identity in Fandom"), eighteen on horror, twenty-five on women, and an amazing TWENTY-NINE on sci-fi and fantasy!!
Where I want to stay when I become obscenely rich
J K Rowling's book for grownups has a publisher; title and publication date TBA
Hamlet's cat's soliloquy and
Grendel's Dog: Brave Beocat, brood-kit of Ecgthmeow / Hearth-pet of Hrothgar in whose high halls / He mauled without mercy many fat mice...
A recipe for tequila hot chocolate - mmmmmmm....
The Daylight Atheist blog: smart, thought-provoking, honest
And my girl scout cookie order arrived, hurrah!!! They will go well with the tequila hot chocolate. Nom nom nom nom nom...