I won't bore you with real life stuff, such as two flat tires in two days, forgetting to buy Litter Genie refills thus reducing us to repurposing plastic bags from the grocery story, or the Stable Genius Cheeto currently pretending to run my country. (I did read Fire and Fury, though; I could not help myself - my review is
here, if you wish.)
Instead I shall talk fandoms and ficcage. When life gives you lemons, go and read fic, amirite?
I've caught up on all but one
hoggywartyxmas entries (the epic 5-part Filius Flitwick tale - looks great, but I haven't had that much time to sit down and read straight through), am almost caught up on
sshg_giftfest (still a few to go), and so far staying caught up day to day with
I had a three-day weekend and fell down the AO3 rabbit hole, with EXCELLENT results. A few standouts from various fandoms:
A Red Book Pressed Into His Hands - the years between Bilbo's homecoming and Frodo's departure (great missing scenes), and later; but most of all about the gift that we give when we give a story.
No Reservations - in which Anthony Bourdain tries Marsh-wiggle cuisine, among others; pitch-perfect characters, amazing food, and a *lot* of fun
Harry Potter:
The Price of Forgiveness - Sirius really should have thought about the possible consequences of putting Snape face to face with Lupin on the full moon
Star Trek:
Exceed His Grasp - Kirk and Spock make a new acquaintance, and Kirk makes a cool speech
Jeeves and the Tarte des Pommes - I don't ship these two AT ALL, but this story is so perfectly written, so hilarious and yet so sweet that I adored it
Just for fun:
bang bang cul cul - a slash fic generator; all you need is a 20-sided die and you're all set.
So, how's everyone else's January?