Like wine and cheese, some things get better with age

Oct 04, 2017 20:05

Just read a fascinating article from the NY Times that explores the opposite end of the food spectrum from an apple fresh off the tree or baby peas fresh off the vine: the foods that are best, or at least interestingly robust, with a bit (in some cases A LOT) of aging. There's even a Japanese mold that appears as a character in a mange series -- who knew???

...noorook, a mold that is known more widely in the West by its Japanese name, koji, as the base for a creamy porridge of fermented grains, stained pink by beets. (The mold appears as a character in the Japanese manga series “Moyasimon,” under its scientific name, Aspergillus oryzae.)...The century-old restaurant Otafuku, in the Asakusa district of Tokyo, specializes in a long-simmered stew called oden, with a base of dashi broth first made in 1945....the sell-by date on goods [is] “kind of a con game,” he said. “We need it because we can’t trust our nose - we’ve lost that language.”

Read the rest ==>

cooking, nom noms

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