Still in mourning

Nov 13, 2016 18:36

I can't even. I just can't even.

I know that there are many people in this country who feel angry, left behind, ignored, trampled on, betrayed by their representatives in government. I know that both parties have done a shit job addressing their very real concerns. I know that many of us are desperate for some kind of change, some kind of shift in government, a return to its proper nature of being by, for, and of the people. And I am so, so, so sorry that we as a country didn't have a better choice last Tuesday (*koff*Bernie*koff*).

But that so many people were willing to sacrifice dignity, courtesy, tolerance, civility, and common human decency in an effort to get that change... that, I cannot understand. And that racists and bigots have the apparent sanction of our president-elect is absolutely shameful.

If "making America great again" requires jettisoning the very things that underpin a civilized society, then I don't want that particular flavor of greatness.

stupid humans, sadness, politicking

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