I got this from
ladyoneill and it's...a little creepy how good it is. Is it harvesting my LJ tags? No, because some of the words aren't my tags. Is it sucking in the text of all my entries and digesting them? Trolling my
goodreads shelves? Reading my mind? Number 5 in particular kind of weirds me out. But yeah, this is all TOTALLY me :)
Except for the fact that it mentions only FOUR BOOKS. That's just wrong.
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
delphipsmith sent to me...
Twelve pitrys drumming
Eleven pyttans piping
Ten squibstress a-leaping
Nine libraries dancing
Eight archives a-writing
Seven politics a-reading
Six parodies a-thinking
Five dysto-o-o-opias
Four books
Three renaissance festivals
Two old movies
...and a post-apocalypse in a fantasy.