In which I am meme-y

Sep 16, 2014 20:52

So, the book meme! It's been such fun to read everyone's lists -- some of them overlap considerably with mine, while others consist mostly of books I've never heard of. It amazes me what readers you all are, and it's such an education to be exposed to new and different authors. I do love books. Books books books. We might have had a contractor in two weeks ago to talk about putting built-in bookshelves in my room (and maybe if there's room, a window-seat under the window for Drinking Tea and Reading In/On. anemonen tagged me with it, so here we go!

Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you. Tag ten friends, including me, so I’ll see your list. Make sure you let your friends know you’ve tagged them!

1) Atlas Shrugged (Rand)
2) Lord of the Rings (what, like I need to tell you who it's by?)1
3) The Velveteen Rabbit (Williams)
4) The Fionavar Tapestry (Kay)2
5) Little Women (Alcott)
6) A Wizard of Earthsea (LeGuin)
7) The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Shirer)
8) God Is Not Great (Hitchens)
9) Stories of Your Life and Others (Chiang)
10) On Writing (Stephen King) and Turn Not Pale, Beloved Snail (Jackson)3

1. OK, technically this is a trilogy -- but that wasn't Tolkien's idea, it was his editor's, so I'm only counting it as one
2. OK, this one's a trilogy too, but hey, who's counting?
3. They're both about writing, so I figured I'd squish two in one

I in turn shall tag nursedarry, ennyousai, madeleone, perverse_idyll, ladyoneill, mundungus42, chthonya, amorette, irishredlass, teddyradiator and a_boleyn.

(If you've already done it, which I know a lot of people have, just put a link to your post in the comments so I can go look at it!)

book love, memes

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