Random Friday fun

Jan 31, 2014 21:12

A bunch of Friday random fun stuff, for your edification and jollification:

Too much snow? Bored with snowmen? Try a lovely snow-pig!

For you fabric artistes in the audience, I bring you Spoonflower, where you can design your own fabric. I expect to see lots of peacocks from shiv5468.

Ever pondered why your state is so ________? And perhaps been curious how most people would fill in that blank? Wonder no more!! io9 has mined the data and brings you the answers. Unsurprisingly, the answer for Texas is "big" but some of the others may make you scratch your head.

Did you know that the NFL, which grossed $9.5 billion last year, is a non-profit? This is a true thing. If you think it's stupid, which apparently 87% of the public does, you can sign a petition to change it. (On another football-related note, there's more at stake in this year's Super Bowl than just a big silver trophy: a Frederic Remington and a Japanese painting.)

Want a few LOTR-related giggles but can't face another Legolas/Gimli slash fic*? Visit The Tolkien Sarcasm Page, a collection of very funny things indeed, including Saruman's diary and "Tales from the Prancing Pony," the story of three British adventurers who spent four months in Middle-earth in the late 1880s, with a genteel and well-mannered Uruk-hai as their guide. Oh, and there's also the Crackpot Tolkien Theories page, featuring a well-argued theory that Tom Bombadil is actually the Witch-King of Angmar. Really.

Then when you want something a little more serious, meet Clint Smith. I can't really describe him, you just have to listen.

OK, 'nuff said. Have a nice Friday, y'all!

* Apologies to anyone in the audience who actually likes Legolas/Gimli (what do you call that pairing, anyway? Legimli? Gimoglas?)

too damn much snow, education, crafty stuff, stupid humans, tolkien

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