Apr 18, 2004 14:26
setting...On a park bench in the Jardin d'Acclimatation, just around the corner from our appartment. Maxence engaged in some rather mischievous behavior, attempting to give me zurburts and chanting "I'm very very sexy" repeatedly.
D: You're silly!
M: No I'm not!
D: It's not an insult, Max. And I'm silly too, so it's okay. In fact, I'm quite silly for someone my age. Hmmm...I should work on not being so silly.
M: Why?
D: Oh, I don't know...
M: Because you want to be perfect?
D: [roaring laughter]
M: What's so funny?
D: It's just that you say things sometimes that are too insightful for your age.
M: What does insightful mean?
D: [more laughter]