
Dec 03, 2008 11:46

I was looking at journals and decided it was time for an update on me. Let's see. It's December 3, and I am still unemployed. I have been so since October 31, due to less than ideal circumstances at work. I miss my friends from work, but mostly I miss having a paycheck every couple of weeks. No income equals me being at the mercy of my parents, who are nice enough to let me stay with them until a job comes my way that will let me get a place of my own. Yeah, quitting your job and then having the economy go into recession with mega job slashing is not a good thing. Sometimes I wish I was still in college. At least that way I was doing something. Being at home with no job gets to me after a while. I get cabin fever and just overall depressed. Not to mention the fact that my boyfriend is far far away, so I can't see him either.

Side note (sort of): I am getting very proficient at filling out online applications for jobs. I had a thought last night about that. Do you think you can add that as a skill to your resume when you've filled out so many? I thought it was funny anyway. I am becoming a regular on the "Thanks for playing" game show of job applications. Oh, and going away with no prize.

I do have a theater audition scheduled for the 14, which I am still trying to prepare for (damn procrastination), but I wonder why is it such a chore for me if I really love theater? Why do I dread auditions if it's what I really love? Could it be that my desire to have a stable job has caused me to squelch my desire to be in theater and the love of performing? In between roles, I seem to forget why I love it and how much joy being in or involved in a show brings me. I suppose everyone's dreams get squashed at some point when the need for a regular income takes hold.

They say you get a lot of rejection in the world of theater (and other arts), but I think I'm about even in terms of rejection for performing and rejection for regular blue-collar jobs. And we wonder why people have low self-esteem sometimes. Hmm...could it be because they've heard "no" and "you need more experience" more often than "yes" and "sure, we'll give you a try." Yeah, I can see how dreams end up on the back burner of life.

update, theater, jobs

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