ID v. Creationism v. Darwin's theory of evolution

Nov 13, 2008 21:14

Let's see. Tonight I went to grandma's for dinner. She made the best ribs. Meat falling off the bone. Very tasty. And as we were eating dinner, we watched a documentary by none other than Ben Stein. For anyone who's ever been curious about ID (Inteligent Design), Creationism, and Darwin's Evolution theory, it's great to watch. Very insightful. Makes you question what freedoms could possibly be under attack. He's not really out to point out that one is right or wrong, but you will find that the Evolutionists do contradict themselves a lot in the interviews Ben Stein has with them. He wants to know why teaching ID in schools is such an issue.

Did you know that several professors and journalists lost their jobs because they dared to mention the idea of ID. Not even suggesting it was fact, just mentioning any aspect of it in the classroom or any type of writing. Professors with tenure (a guarantee of a job basically) suddenly found they were black listed and couldn't get a job teaching anywhere. Interviews, yes, but not a job.

I'm not usually very political or religious, but when I keep hearing about things like this and the google thing (see previous blog entry) and other ideas like the healthcare issue and the economy that are more and more being controlled by government, I wonder how far we will let things go. You know, Darwin at one point was probably thought a radical for his new ideas. What then is the difference between him claiming that we evolved over time and someone who claims that some intelligent being created us? They are both people's beliefs and ideas. I'm just saying.

Watch the documentary. It's very good.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

also his blog:

freedom, intelligent design, darwinism, ben stein, creationism

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