Sad, Lost, Longing....etc.

Aug 14, 2005 00:10

Well, things have been going just fine for me. I was promoted so to speak in the play to where I am now stage manager and a gogo dancer. The play has been going well, and life in general, but I should've known it was too good to last long.

Mom and dad have brought up the topic of school once again. They say they feel uneasy about me going back, and they are worried about my roommate situation (boyfriends spending the night and all). Come to find out, my grandparents don't even want me going back to CNU. They've even offered to pay for another school. So, here I am wrestling with that again, a thing that I thought was settled. I don't know why they feel so bad about it and I don't. I've talked to several people (mostly adults) and they seem to think it's a control thing and that my parents are having a hard time letting me grow up and make my own decisons.

As if I didn't already have enough to deal with, I got bad news when I got home tonight from the show. One of our kittens, Boo, got into some rat/mouse poison and died. :( It's funny, because I think I actually felt it when he died. I was backstage during the second performance and suddenly felt really sad. For no reason I just wanted to burst into tears. I was upset after hearing the news, but what upset me more was to find out that my parents put him in the trash can outside!!! That just shocked me. They are afraid that if they bury him, the dogs will dig him up, chew on him, and then they'll get sick and die because of the poison that is in Boo. If I can, I'm going to see about digging a deep enough hole to bury him properly and away from the dogs. I just can't stand the thoguht of him being in a trash can. I'm sorry that I didn't get to see him one last time. RIP Boo, I love you.


God, show me what to do with my life, because I don't know what decision is the right one right now. I could use some help.
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