one of those days

Jun 10, 2005 22:07

One of THOSE days again. Started off okay I guess. Couldn't make myself get out of bed. For some reason, my body kept craving more sleep. So, I stayed in bed till like 11.

Then I got a call from one of my friends, Josh, who is en route from Wyoming. He tells me that the bus is coming in later than he expected, and can I please still pick him up at like 8:30 instead of 4:30? I agree, and the whole family decides to make a day of it and go to Roanoke to shop and then pick up Josh. Everything is fine till he calls again and says the bus is running even later than he thought and he won't be in till like 10:30.

Well, my mom decides we can't wait in Roanoke that long to pick him up, so he's now on his own. I pray that he makes it okay. To tell you the truth, I've felt uneasy about the whole thing since he first called to see if I could get him. I prayed to God for protection and to give me peace of mind, so if not picking Josh up is the best way to do that, well, I just say that God knows what He's doing.

In other news, only 8 days till my brother is married! YAY! Which also means 8 days till I can see John again (double YAY!) Well, I'm gonna call it a night. I start work again tomorrow and I have to get the horses in before that so, it's gonna be an early morning.
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