Oct 10, 2007 20:56
Anyone know why I have to feel bad anytime I think I do the right thing? Anyone? This gut wrenching wembly pansy assed stuff is kinda agrivating :p.
Went in and had the breaks on my current car replaced. I had to decide between driving what I've got with severely limited breaking performance, or barfing up the cash to have them fixed instead of taking a gamble everytime I drive the thing.
I mean, what are the odds I'll find a 'wonder car' (I wonder how long it'll last before I'm worse off than before) that runs better than what I've got for less than it'll take to bring what I've got up to acceptable working order?
If I get a replacement vehicle later, what kind of vehicle would I like? Would I like some small car kinda like what I've got now? It'll carry people well enough, but not so good with stuff. A pickup truck? The regular cabs don't carry people, but do I really have to carry a lot of people around? Not too often. The Extended cabs will carry an extra two or three people, and still have truck bed space for stuff. A van? I don't know..my first vehicle was a van...and how often do I move anyhow, really?
Anyhow, today was somewhat interesting. Missed my alarm for work today (Was asked to help move and set up a large machine in the Washington Square Mall), and drove myself to the location to help. We finished that rather quick, grabbed brunch, and since the other locations were going to be relatively easy, he went ahead and let me drive back home, which would beat having to drive Back to that location to drop me off at the car when we were done for the day.
Other details besides the impromptu work shift and the fixing of the breaks are mostly irrelevant, except that I'm convinced that having money means it disapears so much faster than when you don't have it. It must be some sort of universal law or something. Except that it couldn't be a law, since there's always something more to buy, yet there are still Uber wealthy people out there who have 'everything'. Who knows. The wealthy people I know are always out buying stuff. So maybe its an educated guess instead of a theory?
Managed to squeeze in the quiz I needed to submit for today, only missed one, which is great given it's a Linux class and it's not something that comes natural to me at this point. That and finding the time to study is obviously a little harder to scrape together on some days than not.
We get these little newszines on campus called Nuvo, it seems to just be an Indy area thing, because I don't see it a great number of places in and around the city. It's got this awesome little cousine (just Watch me misspell that) guide this week, I've always kinda wondered where cool places to go to get X kind of food in the area would be, and these reviews should be helpful. Still wouldn't mind finding someone that could give me a spirited tour of the Downtown area though :p. There's a lot around here I know I'm missing out on. But besides the cool inserts you get from time to time, its basically the arts and entertainment paper for the greater Indy area. Blue Man Group will be in the area sometime soonish. Cirque Solei has a performance sometime this or next month, there's a production of Hamlet coming up I'd like to see, you know, stuff like that. They moved the personals section to an online only format though, not sure why..
So...um...Ah yeah. Driving down the interstate, not quite the exit for campus. *Pop!* First thoughts? "...shit". I could hear a scraping and a bumping, but it didn't sound like a grinding or a 'why are parts flying everywhere and the world spinning' sort of thing at least. Long story short, I pull into the first parking space I see, look under the car, and it appears that a part protecting parts of my engine compartment from the undercarage wasn't properly tightened when I left the shop. Not a Huge deal...except I need to find a way to #@$$%rig it so that nothing gets thrown up into my belts. I don't think I have to explain how that'd mess things up if I lost a belt. Could have been worse, glad it wasn't. But you Know that wouldn't have happened had I just continued to drive it as it was XD. Yay for Murphy.
Weekend plans...I'm going to be busy unless things change :(. Saturday's all *immitates the sound of someone sucking a nearly empty drink through a straw* gone, and Sunday's probably going to be much the same, since I'll be near Terre Haute anyhow, and Mako has the day off. I should pack Dag stuff just incase :D. Not like I get to hear from most of those people any other way these days. And it'll be cold! so i can wear whatever outlandish period style getup I want and not sizzle and die of dehydration after a few minutes.
People have been asking me about MFF...I'm not asking for time off either of my jobs for Thursday or Friday :(. So...if I go, I'd have to find my own way up there, hope the friend that currently holds a room is still going, and that I can afford to go. As is my usuall policy, no promises :P. I'd like to be there, but I'll be there if I can make it. I've got a lot of good reasons to go, ya don't need to add to the list :). I won't get the chance to volunteer quite like I usually do, and I'll probably have to pay to get in anyhow, but that's never a big deal. Might not be spending a whole lot of cash either, ye o'l factor of doom looms over me as usuall.
Job wise, things are ok, I just don't get much sleep between Wednesday and Friday. The boss with the arcade job tends to talk alot or plays distracting stuff in the van, so it's hard to use the time I sit in the van productively. Otherwise, despite a learning curve, it's not so bad as long as I've got some help and access to answers when i don't understand something. The FedEx job is kinda the same way. Lots of stuff to memorize, but I'm starting to see a recognizeable pattern. Problem is, we all already know it's going to change when Peak starts to pick up. So..yeah. Learning how to use some of the power equipment....weeee :D. Very hard to get a time when the fork lift guy can train me to use that though, since he seems to always be busy/always working overtime when the company generally frowns on overtime. We tried to run these machines that are supposed to do much of the scanning work for us yesterday, and it didn't want to work. So it was another day where packages flooded every major area of the plant again. Kinda like crabs in that one scene from the last 'Pirates' movie :P. Or something like a tidal wave. Woosh! boxes and packages everywhere! It's the Katrina levy break of packages and everyone's swimming to safety.
Yay for immagry overkill? *shrugs* Coffee is 'bad' for some, despite what Star*ucks wants you to think. :p
Um...so I'm here on campus posting because Apparently I forgot to pick up tomorrow's homework textbook :(...There's really no sence in making the half hour drive to the appartment, then the 30 minute drive to the next job when I can sit here and do other homework stuff and save gas and time. But yeah, it's time for me to go out and doctor up the car. Have a good one, and see ya when I can :).