The following not really important entry involves not very nice thoughts about people I doubt I'll ever see again, non PC related descriptions, the new job, and not a great deal much else. As a result, it's been cut for your non viewing pleasure :).
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Tuning out the manager with eatplugs might be a one-way trip to the firing squad if that's what you really want. ;) A book couldn't hurt though. You'll have to get used to holding small-talk and inane conversations with your manager.
A mountain of lettuce ya say? Sounds very much like a place trying to hide a certain few things about their meat or sauce. ;) Oh well. Try anythong once, right?
For Web Development, Dreamweaver is used, though I don't know how useful it is if you need to work with something like ASP, CFM or PHP. I'd actually recommend that you take a course in database analysis and design or something thereof, as databases seem to be a big thing all across IT. If you can manage databases as a part of your Network Admin dutuies, you become very useful. Sadly, that is the one thing I felt we didn't get enough proper training with in my programme, though we did at least have exposure to the concepts and on-paper application via a DBAaD class.
"Hey, this guy just bashed a so and so minority, let's go crap in his coffee!" And then livejournal goes lawls. I guess ya have to be famous and wealthy to get away with stating your mind these days.
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