Nov 01, 2008 22:47
So it's November 1. Let the insanity begin!
Per my usual routine, I started the story I planned to write, got about five hundred words in, and decided it was complete and total crap and could never possibly work. So I switched to something else which is also complete and total crap, but at least it's something I think I can get 50,000 words out of. I'm 2152 words in so far, which gives me a little less than 1,000 left to write tonight according to my weird schedule (it involves math and an Excel spreadsheet and different goals for days I'm off, days I'm working something like normal hours, and days I'm on call, and is probably far too complicated, but it worked for me last year).
I'm thinking of posting my ramblings under a filter, if anyone would be interested in reading them. Since it's actually not fanfic this year, I figured someone might be interested. So if you would like to follow along (keeping in mind that I'll just be posting everything in its raw unedited form), please let me know and I'll make up a filter.
Heading out to a write-in tomorrow afternoon. I'm hoping to make it to some Cincy write-ins when I'm back in Ohio for turkey day, or possibly some Dayton ones, since I don't know how much writing I'll get done at home. In fact, I generally have so much trouble writing at home that I may have to take the laptop to a coffee shop somewhere every day to get my daily writing in.