Awww, look at little Cypress hill the second =]
cuhcuhcuh cute!
Hm, There's either eight or nine days until school. I feel weird saying it, but I'm kind of excited to see everyone again. I can't wait unitl i get my classes, to see whose in them and whatnot. I DEFF DEFF need wellington, because if i have to friggin actually try in english this year, i just don't know what I'll do. I just want to have people in my lunches, cause i will die if im stuck with idiots. =[
I <33 My friends.
I haven't talked to BrittFace online since she's moved, haha no more puns about vodka and/or bouch.
Hm, capture the flag went alright. It was fun. My teeth, are thankfully, alive and well. THANK GOD I RAN INSIDE IMMEDIATELY AFTER AND PUT MY RETAINER IN! geeez. But, we did discover, I AM THE FRIGGIN master of Hedgediving. My parents sorta got mad the next day; when my bushes had huge indents in them.
Here's some pictures, They're from Sydney.
We must do it again sometime.
Hummmm. I <33 how everyones away message is about the AP homework. Thank Jesus I finished mine, 2 whole essays, friggin loads of reading, and stupid questions.I'm pretty confident all my answers to the questions, are bs. I hope im not the stupidest one. The class is going to be like, genius-es then im gonna be like "Yo." . Hoooorrayyy for Advanced World History!
I must say, i had a pretty sweeeeeeeet summer.