My first blog - ever! (warning: medium-high level of boringness)

Mar 05, 2007 00:56

Hi to all who are reading!

Welcome! To my first blog ever!

Ok, enough of the exclaimation marks and onto the main subject, me. I've never really got my head around the idea of "blogging" as I always found the whole diary entry thing very confusing. But thanks to a very good friend (LJ username: milkpop) trying to explain all the goodness of LJ through the medium of msn messenger, I just became even more confused. But hell, I thought I'd have a shot at it anyway and here I am.

Well, so far so good, my computer hasn't exploded and nor has my head, and in fact... this is kind of enjoyable :) Thanks Nancy!

Tune in in the next hour or so for another super moderately interesting entry!

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