25 random things I'd like for my 25th year on earth

Jul 03, 2010 22:14

I've been making this list since I moved to a different country only to finish it today. Yes, sometimes I procrastinate too much for my own good. And because you like/love me enough to even bother to read this entry you will just have to live with that. Trust me, I am many things other than being the master procrastinator. So okay, let us  start with my list.

1. Dye my own hair. And to not look like a troll afterwards. - Done! Though I honestly feel that it is still too early to tell that I won't turn into a troll anytime soon. :))

2. To go around town/ do the grocery all by myself.

3. To have a decent photo of myself properly depicting that I am now 25. Nothing more, nothing less. I want it just right. I want it that way it is and most probably the way it should be. I am not exactly afraid of getting old. It's just that I want to see a clear distinction (i.e. glimmer in my eyes, etc.) more than just lines that I'll soon see in my face

4. To eat Pinoy street food like: banana que, isaw, kwek-kwek, and kikiam on my birthday. You can start calling me cheap/jologs/baduy or whatevs for all I care, but if by any chance someone would be sweet enough to plan my birthday menu this is what I want.

5. To have some more time to read. No explanation needed. There are days when I feel an awful lot  dumber than I was yesterday. Not that I wasn't.Heh! Hence, I need to self impose things like reading more books rather than  e-books.

6. To buy myself some conversion lenses for Mr.Blik (yes, my camera has a name and I am a dork like that).

7. To learn to properly do several yoga poses with my yoga ball. Enough to make my mum go wow. LOL

8. To go star gazing and finally see legitimate constellations rather than playing connect the dots.

9. To have the bloody guts to finally start and be able to finish Project 365 or Project 52.

10. For someone to bake me a homemade birthday cake :) And it would be more awesome if it looks as good as it tastes :)

11. To receive handwritten letters and homemade cards in our mailbox from family and friends.

12. To have a low maintenance pet or plant in my room.

13. To learn how to curl my hair. Trust me, all those DIY tutorial via Youtube are not as easy as it looks. Sometimes I feel there's a certain formula in curling hair as complicated as that of finding the very elusive value of x in algebra.

14. To receive a mixtape containing songs which the maker thinks/feels that such relates to me.

15. For my artsy fartsy friends to take a photo of something to which I am the inspiration of.

16. To ride an old school train heading to Edinburgh, and mebbe see men in quilts playing bagpipes. :)

17. To have a more convincing and a more consistent twang.

18. To learn and execute the most effective way of saving money. :)

19. To write more regularly in my journal.

20. To go backpacking across Europe ala traveling on a shoestring. Le tour de Europa beybeh! :)

21. To learn another language or dialect. Or to make it more attainable let's make it SWEAR words in another language or dialect. Hooooray for semi-unheard of impending horrific swearing! :))

22. To visit my college friends currently based all over England.

23. To ride a boat.

24. To go to an amusement park/ a gig somewhere in downtown London.

25. To attend a book signing event of some awesome writer and have my book signed.

There you have it. I guess for an average girl I am not that high maintenance as regards to birthday wishes, right? LOL :))

verbal diarrhea, lists

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