Ill and concerned.. -very high heart rate,.-hoping for comments

Feb 21, 2007 02:16

So,. Today I went to the clinic after having a day full of feverish uncomfortableness, cough, and having expelled everything from my stomach and then some, but something more than those symptoms came into concern while I was there. I had a heart rate of 140 and was put through my first EKG, having blood drawn, a chest x-ray (he said if i had pneumonia it would explain the heart rate, but then he didn't see any pneumonia) and finally was given a breathing treatment in hopes that maybe it would help me to not seem that I was struggling to breathe and hopefully lower my heart rate (which it didn't- I sat there and watched it go down to 120something, then back up to 140something, and it actually hit the low 160's at one point). The doctor advised me that I should technically be in the hospital, but it was my decision to either go home with some antibiotics and be back in there at 7:30 this morning or go into the hospital to probably be in there for several hours and possibly end up with more blood tests and a CAT scan to seek out if it might be a blood clot on/in/meh? my lung.. I feel like crap, and didn't want to be sitting around in a hospital tonight, so even though I am super-paranoid about this being serious, I'm home, and Cade has been checking my pulse (110ish last time).. Any thoughts from the medically knowledgeable or others who've had similar "unexplained unstable vital signs/high heart rate"?


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