Nov 04, 2010 14:34
bored.. so bored and sleepy.
This getting up at the wee hours is really pissing me off. I'm fine in the morning, but by mid day I can hardly keep my eyes open.
And it's become a costume now to fall asleep on the bus on my way back home, lol. Luckily, it has so many stops, I manage to wake up before mine.
And then summer's coming and the weather is bipolar.
Yesterday it was cold... so cold I almost wore a coat. Today, hot again and I'm wearing black, like a huge freaking magnet for heat.
We can't turn on the A/C cause Joseph is sick. Apparently his defenses are down, so he has a cold.. and a nasty one.
Not a pretty picture to talk on the phone or with a person here at my desk and hearing the nice overture of him blowing his nose as if something like a booger monster was about to come out.
And then the sneezing-- repeatedly -- and the coughing and the moaning.
I'm sorry but some men get sick and it's like the end of the world.
I'm PMSy I know, become an enrage bitch right about now, I hurt, I'm sleepy, I have a permanent headache and fatigue, but I'm not moaning my sorrows and complaining about it with my co-workers.
So right now, the earplugs are my bestest friends. I just turn on the music and wiggle my jelly body away, like I just don't care... and frankly, I don't.
Just found out I'm now under contract. I'm not a replacement anymore. I wish this meant stability, but I'm still deoending on Satan to let me continue working here. No matter, I'll do the best I can to stay, and maybe if I'm a good girl, I'll have a job for a while.
If not, I can always find something else.
Anybody want to offer me a job on the States, so I can be with my husband and miles away from my so-called family?
No bids? Anyone?
I'll do anything. I know how to clean, cook, take care of children, I know how to write, read, I know the law, and how to behave, I'm very clean and well behaved, and I don't eat much... and lucky for you, I speak the language and been told that very well also... I don't sound spanglish at all, cause let's face it, that is not a language, just an excuse to confuse and not learn..
I just wanna be with Brian for the rest of my miserable life, cause he makes it brighter, he makes me happy.
Oh well, if you know somebody who might need me, lemme know.
Better go back to work, gotta try and not fall asleep while I'm doing the Appointments. If I fuck up, some ppl might not get a paycheck on the 30th. *sigh*