On Saturday, Amy and I attended my 25th high school reunion. I had served on the planning committee, and was so happy with the turnout. About 50 people (out of our class of 300) registered, and I think only 4 failed to show up. Thanks to my friend Joe, who did some amazing detective work in hunting down MIA alumni, our homeroom represented a nice percentage of the attendees. It was an absolute blast.
High school was a terrific time in my life, and very formative in regard to where I am now. High school was the place where I learned that there was more to Star Trek than just the original series (thanks Pagss, Al, and Vin). It's where I learned that there was more to science fiction than Star Trek (thanks, Dr. G. (who was at the reunion, and to whom I expressed my thanks in person). It's where I did my first writing for other people to read. It's where I learned to be proud of who I was, no matter what anyone else might have to say about me (I won't list or thank the bullies).
I spent so much time catching up with people that I barely touched my camera. I was so happy to discover that Amy had been taking candid shots all evening. I've posted some photos at
Flickr, if anyone is interested.
I'm looking forward to more frequent get-togethers with a lot of these guys and their families.