March 21 (Goodbye, Farewell and Amen and Thanks for All The Fish)

Mar 21, 2018 21:37

29 years ago, on March 21, 1989, nine months after earning my B.A. in Advertising, I started my publishing career. It was my backup plan. I accepted the first publishing job I was offered, even though it was in Contracts, not Editorial. Thanks to the support and mentorship of my superiors, and the teamwork of our department, I realized that my skills and mindset were suited to the task of finding solutions and compromises necessary to close deals. Every job I took gave me the opportunity to grow. Every failure taught me something valuable. I had the opportunity to get some of my fiction published. I have authored articles and taught courses. I found satisfaction in the backup plan. Always keep your options open.

12 years ago, on March 21, 2006, I started this LiveJournal. It was fun and educational to meet other LJers, and to read their posts. Unfortunately, after all this time, the herd has moved on to other social media pasture in which I have no desire to travel. In all likelihood, this will be my last post here, unless something utterly earth-shattering happens.

A few final thank-yous to people who have made my life such a wonderful experience.

Amy, Christina and Austin - couldn't get by without your love
Mom, Dad, my brothers, my sister-in-law, and my nieces - for all the support and love
My in-laws (brothers- and sisters-in-law, our nieces and nephews and their significant others) - for all the support and love

The crew from 71st Street
The crew from E. 42nd Street
All my friends from St. Ephrem and St. Thomas Aquinas
My Xaverian high school brothers-in-arms, Class of '84 (with a few of you '81s through 85s)
My Iona College classmates, Class of '88
Everyone who ever wore the red and the black of Zeta Kappa Chi (ZKX), from Founders through the current pledge class - Brothers til the end
The guys of Troop 53 and Pack 176

My friends and co-workers from Toys R Us
My friends and co-workers from the Office of Management and Budget, the NYPD Payroll Unit and KPMG
My friends and co-workers from E.P. Dutton/Penguin USA, but especially to the Contracts team '89-'94 (Go Bullpen!)
My classmates at NYU School of Continuing Education Publishing Program
My friends from Simon & Schuster
The authors, illustrators and other creatives at DAW Books
The convention committees who gave me the opportunity to appear on their panels, do readings and autographings
The entire science fiction and fantasy field of authors, illustrators and agents
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
My subagents and clients at Fodera Rights Agency
The Society for the Preservation of Pluto as a Planet
The Illinois Bar Association
My friends and co-workers at Bloomsbury USA
Professor Leigh Grossman at UConn (and his family)
The late, great Deborah Brodie and The New School
My colleagues and students at City College of New York Publishing Program
The Children's Book Council
My friends and co-workers at Macmillan (but most professionally and personally important: the current Contracts Team at Macmillan)

Everyone with whom I ever played corporate softball - the Viking Penguin team and Writers House Bookies, as well as all of our opponents
Everyone whom I ever had the good luck to coach in baseball or softball
All of the kids and parents who have participated in my Brooklyn Public Library pre-K literacy programs

All of my family, friends, and colleagues who have passed on beyond this life.

Finally, anyone who has read this LiveJournal, or posted stuff I enjoyed reading, or swapped comments with me here.

It's a long list, and it's probably nowhere near complete. I've been blessed to have lived the life I have, and I'm sure God will continue to grant me more wonderful experiences with these folks, and with folks I've yet to meet.

God bless.


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