Originally posted in a comment thread on
mabfan's LJ:
I've liked Superman ever since I watched (reruns of) the George Reeves TV series as a kid. I liked Superman in the comics. Although I bought a lot of Shazam and a few Batman titles, it was Superman who claimed the most dimes and nickels from my allowance. And I liked him on SuperFriends.
I am an outlier, in that I disliked the Christopher Reeve movies from the first, though I did see all of them. I thought his Clark Kent was dull in a way that Clark never was in the comics or TV show. His Superman was too earnest ("uptight" is probably a better word). I never saw any reason for that version of Lois to care for him. I wanted super movies from Superman, and I got "meh".
I liked the original Supergirl movie. It's been too long since I saw it to say more than that, but I did like it.
I very much liked the Lois and Clark TV show. I thought Dean Cain's Clark/Superman was well done, and I bought the relationship there. I've enjoyed seeing him and Helen Slater back in the Superman Family on Supergirl.
I've never seen Smallville, so I have no opinion. I've been tempted to try it since the Berlantiverse launched, since I understand it does some of the same twists on the origins of many DC characters. At worst, I won't like it or will see it as a form of visual fanfic.
I saw Superman Returns. I thought Brandon Routh did a great job recreating C Reeve's character, which is faint praise in my eyes. Terrible movie, though I've come really like Routh on Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.
I saw Man of Steel (see how hard I'm trying to like a Superman movie?). Overblown, and not at all a version of Superman I could come to appreciate. But, I think the reason for this is the same reason I got tired of Superman comics - he's too damned powerful, and Snyder amped that up further to appeal to modern movie audiences. Spinach, I say! (You understand the meaning of that cliche, even if I actually do enjoy eating spinach.)
I watch Supergirl. I almost gave up after episode 2, but it's grown on me. I like Melissa Benoist, even if I don't like the retconning and the early coyness about mentioning "her cousin" by name. I'm enjoying it, and I think this coming week's Supergirl/Flash crossover may cement my viewership.
As for Batman v. Superman (plaintiff always comes first, I guess), I have little interest. I may watch it on TV or Netflix someday for the heck of it, but I won't be contributing to the box-office returns. I've already seen Affleck destroy a nighttime vigilante in Daredevil, and I already know that Cavill's Superman isn't my cuppa. I'm not a fan of Jesse Eisenberg, so I can't imagine his Lex winning me over (actually, I did sort of like Kevin Spacey as Lex, though he was surrounded by so much terribleness, I'd forgotten until just now). I was excited to hear that Aquaman would be appearing in BvS, but what I've seen of his reboot isn't interesting enough to me. I often think I liked him because he had blonde hair and wore a gold shirt, like Captain Kirk. I'm looking forward to seeing Gadot's Wonder Woman in something someday.
Meanwhile, I may just try to find my old Superman comics if I need a fix. The modern versions just don't work for me.