There are many things about a guy that can turn me on or off... It's usually relative to the person, and therefore the same thing that is unappealing on one can be totally acceptable, and even attractive on another.
I suppose... that's why when people ask me what my type is... I have no answer. Because to be honest... I have no clue. So many variables in describing a "type"... all I really know is what isn't my type...
Although, there has always been two constant, attractive, elements of the opposite sex... one, is on a very shallow scale... which is... that no matter who the guy is... if he's tall and thin, clean cut... wearing a suit, or even a long overcoat (wool or leather)... very nice :)
And.... the other, is a more in depth quality... and that is a strong sense of morality, well-built moral fiber... I realize "strong" is subjective when it describes morality... but let's just say far and beyond the social norm... kenshin-like, or as close as humanly possible.