Mar 03, 2005 21:36
im so actually updating everyday.
babe is still gone. today we are two weeks. when i got to second period there was a bag on my dest with a card that he wrote. it said something like "i miss you a lot n i wish i could be with you right now, happy 2 weeks...." lets not get into detail lol. then in the bag there was skittles [my fav candy] and a little dog. apperantly, he gave this to natalia so that she can put it on my desk n suprise me. im telling you my babe is the cutest. lol. so during school nothing really much happend. i spent most of my day wither talking to him on the fone or texting him. after school i had cheerleading. we did a lot of stunting, so im in pain. after that i walked to mcdonalds and my mom picked me up there. i showed her my gift n she thought it was super cute. :o) we went to walgreens, i bought babe some i miss you cards, and then we went to pick up my lil sister in CCD. then i went home, talked to babe some more, and now im just burning cd's for me n lizzie cuz i love her soo much. lol. thats pretty much it. peace out!
<33 christy
Day 2 without babe....