"If I had unlimited time and resources, and knew I could not fail, what would I choose to do?"

Jun 23, 2010 15:54

This question is proving extremely challenging for me to answer.

Would I become a fantastic dancer and perform every week, and teach between shows?

Would I start a self sustaining farm and teach people about living with Joy?

Would I travel the world, righting wrongs? Which wrongs?

I know I want to do something that involves physical activity; sitting at a desk drives me crazy. I want to do something that involves people, too, as I enjoy social interaction, particularly if there are well understood rules of engagement.

I also tend to really enjoy teaching people to do things I love doing. I liked helping kids learn to read. I liked training my minions to be superb baristas. I enjoy helping our clients learn how to use QBO. I've had fun teaching MiL to rock climb.

But, so what? Do I become a teacher? I'm fairly sure my patience with kids would wear out quickly, as would my patience with that whole "desk" thing. Do I become a dancer? That actually sounds amazingly fun, but I don't really like performing very much. Or maybe I do, but I'm always afraid I'll fail? Maybe?

I love interacting with people. I like being helpful. I love being outside and being active (sunbathing is so BORING).

I could follow Faire; run amok in costume for my living. I don't think so, though. I think one of the things I love about faire is that it's only six weekends.

I COULD do absolutely anything, if I were inclined to. But I don't know what I'm inclined to do! arg. And so you get this rambling post as I try to sort it out. sorry.
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