Random 25

Jul 10, 2010 19:45

art by Sam Scott

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you!!
arabwel tagged me on this a while ago and I'm just getting to it.
01) I want to be ecstatic - I can’t fake it.

02) I love surprising people. Be it their expectations of me or presenting them with an unexpected gift.

03) I love wearing mascara, I love when it has the smoky smudge. I miss my amazing waterproof stuff. I used to wear it in the pool and not have an issue and not have to reapply. It was frucking awesome. Mascara and heels. Just a silly, frilly girl.

04) It’s too hot to be outside, and I’ve been requested to not paint nails inside. >_< I’m allowed to complain about 90degree weather and no air-conditioner. I want painted nails and air-conditioning.

05) I pulled out the sharpies & poster board earlier this month, started something and it’s been left unfinished. This displeases me. I also need to finish covering my journal. Lady brought home dream board stuff so fun things should happen.

06) Speak to me in lyrics - that way I don’t lose interest in you.

07) I wish I could sing, but I'm usually too shy to sing around others. And will often stop singing if others join in.

08) Pandora “Big Bad VooDoo Daddy” radio is rocking right now. Cherry Poppin' Daddies, BBVD, & Louis Armstrong epic afternoon.

09) http://io9.com/5578675/let-your-organs-be-your-personal-dj this is beyond awesome!

10) Caught a really nice slide guitar show last night. “Steel Guitar- a blues opera”. The entire show was written by the talented performer. He wrote songs for both ladies and men and then wove a multi generational story around the guitar. The one he was playing was a shiny steel acoustic. It was an awesome show. And then went to a bar (with my mother) and was given the waitress’ number. I’m so awesome I’ve got girls giving me their number when I’m out with family. 0.0

11) I’m better when I have lots of people to dote on. Lots of people I care for, play with and can share my joy. It's not flirting, it’s exuberant energy shared.

12) I need more random text conversations - if you don’t have my number I will remedy this.

13) I have very specific reasons for all of my screen names. And each of my different "name names have a personality of their own.

14) Is having to resist the urge to go buy hair dye… I want to play… What about black?

15) I think my tastes are changing. I’m finding honey too sweet to eat by itself any more. Could just be the dislike of most foods that has been going on this year. I’m certain it will pass. I need to go out for Sushi soon. I need my fix.

16) I want. I want. I want. I need. I need, I need. I am selfish in the strangest ways. But go out of my way for others a lot of the time..

17) Love equals Intimacy. Intimacy does not equal Sex. Sex does not equal Love,- Just sayin’

18) I miss swimming pools & beach access. I need instant access to water. Grrrr.

19) I got to watch a movie yesterday, an episode of eureka today, it’s been a while since I just put one on and did something. I pulled out my beads and started earrings for a friend. No they won’t be finished intime for her party tomorrow. But I have a card for her. It’ll be dandy. I think she has a pool. I might get to swim tomorrow!! Ooo Ooo Ooo!

20) What If I just picked up and drove? There are a few places I need to be this summer… But I miss people and want to just up and visit. A job would be problematic for this.

21) No, you can't surprise me anymore// I have seen it all before// But it seems I cannot let you go// Anyhow, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana// <3// And I think that I told you, I'd wait for you forever// Now I know someone else's holding you,// so, for the first time in my life - I must lie// Lie's a sin, mess that I am in,// Love is not the thing I feel know// I promise you: I won't write again 'til the sun sets// behind your grave//<3// Dana, oh, Dana I'm writing to you, I heard you passed away / / it was a beautiful day// I'm old and I feel time will come for me, my diarys// pages are full of thee// <3 //Oh Dana O'Hara oh, Dana my dear,// How I wish that my Dana was here/ /Little Dana O'Hara decided one day/ to travel away, faraway//

22) I Kinda want to do something similar tothiel‘s 2010
Wow, I think my insecurities just freaked so much they had a heart attack while trying to eat me.

23) My phone is on the out…( it’s turned off -instead of ringing- twice in the past hour) I’m looking at getting a replacement or a new one; just have yet to decide what kind the new one might be. . . What’s crazy is I’m thinking more about a phone than a job.

24) ……on that note the whole restaurant thing fell through. What kind of commercial land lord would offer a 1 year lease, would refuse to do any property maintenance OR repairs - It’s fucking ridiculous. But also very disappointing.

25) I will be in Florida in October. The 1st to the 12? Just have to nail CJ (down) on buying the ticket. Called him today but he’s in the ER again, second Saturday in a row, this time to get stitches in his hand - work related injury. I need him to stop hurting himself cause I’m not there to dote on him.

You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation. If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

Power Numbers: 24, 38, 20, 2, 38, 11

meme, yes describe me pls, lyrics, sunburn, picspazm, work, creative, life, random, confused, music, sleep, crafting, reaching out, caffeine, trouble, family

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