I got my tax forms all ready to send off to the IRS in the morning.
I love doing taxes. Somewhere in my head I know that it's real money that I'm adding up and sending away, but because I never saw that money except as a little box on my pay stub it doesn't feel real at all.
It's kind of like those multiple choice tests the schools seemed to delight in making me do, only I get a cash reward at the end instead of a pin and an
award signed by the president (I seriously have one of those pins).
I liked taking those tests. The room was always so quiet and all the answers were there and I got to fill in little circles with the pretty silver graphite.
The questions were always dumb though and half the time I was answering their answers instead of mine, so I don't know why they made me take them.
Probably so I would feel so good after doing my taxes.