Aug 22, 2004 23:10
I'm am so full of shit. In fact I made of shit. I'm being to know myself and I can't express how bad that is.
Everything I do I know the reasons behind and am disgusted, and yet I continue to do them. Why can't I stop?? Even this journal was a bad idea you never write anything down because it will be used against you. This I know and have felt many times so obviously I go and do something stupid like create a journal full of crap that can be used against me. *sigh*
I find myself missing many people most of which I will rarely or never see again. My friendships will be lost and myself along with them. I could think of this as a chance to be reborn and not screw up like I've been doing for the past 7-8 years. But i know I won't I'm far too foolish and prideful to do that. I am doomed to repeat a mistake that will most likely keep me from my dream. Once my dream is lost and will surely die there is no getting around that.
Is it fate that binds me or sheer stupidity??